With love, from Jeffersonville

Jeff post card

Dear Elloise,

I count the days until I see you again. The sights seem lost of their color without you. Today we walked over this giant bridge called the Big Four Bridge. Marc said long time ago it was bridge for trains and now people walk and bike over it. You can see it in the photo, on the front. The river is big and beautiful, so much wider than any in Illinois. I thought of you when the kids begged to stop for frozen yogurt. I know you would have loved strawberry, like your curls.

Love you,



I designed this post card as a throw-back to 1960’s tourism. There’s something wonderful about sending and receiving a post card. Someone had to go out of their way to find a stamp in a strange town and mail it. It’s a desire to share that special moment with someone who is far away. Maybe a friend, a spouse or a family member. I love seeing old post cards written by someone long ago and wondering who they were and who they were writing to.


*Photo by Chris Dowell.

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